A key benefit for employees - transform your office experience with Parkiza

After months of working remotely, companies face the challenge of motivating employees to work from the office. How do you convince employees to return? How do you keep valuable people in the company?

After months of working remotely, companies face the challenge of motivating employees to return to the office. How do you convince employees to come back? How do you retain valuable staff? Access to parking spaces, which is increasingly seen as a desirable benefit, is now proving crucial. With Parkiza.com, companies can meet this expectation without straining their budgets.

The modern, post-pandemic worker values comfort and convenience. These expectations don't necessarily align with the increasing return to the office or the shift to a hybrid work model. That’s why access to office parking has become so important. But how do you guarantee a parking spot for everyone when there is a limited number? This is where Parkiza — Signal OS's parking management panel and mobile app — comes to the rescue. It allows every employee to have an equal chance for a spot and provides invaluable support for office work scheduling. All of this without burdening the company, as Parkiza offers a free plan.

Izabela Marciszak, CEO of Signal OS, emphasizes:

"Access to parking is a priority for many employees. We hear from HR representatives who use Parkiza that the topic of this benefit is usually the most interesting part of the conversation for candidates. After all, Parkiza is also a bargaining chip in the recruitment process."

What benefits await employees?

Booking parking spots can usually be a challenge for regular employees. With Parkiza, instead of signing up by email, calendar, or "word of mouth," employees can reserve their spots via a convenient app. However, Parkiza is not just about booking parking spots. It’s about comfort and reassurance. Instead of the stress of searching for a spot, an employee uses the intuitive app and reserves a spot in advance. They can also have a permanent spot assigned, which can be shared on the days they’re not in the office. If the company integrates Parkiza with other systems, the app can even be used to open gates or barriers.

"Employees don’t have to circulate around the parking lot, arrive at the office in uncertainty, and can plan their visit in peace. Most of the stress of getting to the office disappears. And the company gains a solid argument when persuading the team to opt out of working completely remotely," Iza adds.

What does Parkiza offer for companies and HR departments?

Companies set the reservation rules themselves. Parkiza allows managing groups of employees (even in parking lots in different buildings!) or assigning permanent parking spots to chosen employees. Integrations allow for license plate recognition.

"Once configured, the parking lot virtually manages itself, which is a considerable time saver for the company," Iza adds.

With the data, you can analyze the use of spaces and perhaps decide to give up a few unnecessary ones.

"One of our clients gave up leasing as many as 10% of parking spaces, and employees didn’t feel the difference. It’s just that the spaces that were left were better utilized, thanks to Parkiza."

The platform offers a free plan with many functionalities, and a slightly more extensive Professional plan, making it accessible to companies with different budgets. You can read more about the functionalities on our dedicated website: Parkiza.com.

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